So I ordered a 32GB Samsung high Speed SD-Card because bootup time matters. I do not have an up to date PC TFT with HDMI input so I will have to run my RPi headless. This was my first RPi Challenge. After fixing my Sparkfun FTDI Basic UART breakout board to 3.3V instead of 5V I had an serial console to my RPi. This was what I thought would it be. Every Board I previously used had some sort of bootloader talking over the serial line to me. But not the Pi.
So back on topic. Installing a pre build Debian, Fedora or maybe even a Suse Distro. I thought would be to easy. So I decided to search for a Openembedded Layer for the RPI. I was suppressed that there is not that big community for the ŔPI in the OpenEmbedded universe. So after some hours of fighting I got my first OpenEmbedded (Ångström) based image. I put it on the SD-Card inserted the card in my RPi and nothing happend.... ;-(
Thats not that good. So I decided to go the easy way and install some prebuild Debian on the SD-Card. I decided to use the Debian “wheezy” public beta.
Because Debian stable is in most cases not the bleeding edge distro. Everything booted up very well and so I am also tested my seriel connection to the device. I hopfully can report some good news about OpenEmbedded on this Blog in the next few days....
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